Getting Organized Simply… Really!

Trouble Getting organized? Everything may have a place, but is it there?  Consider 3 Helpful Tips:

Getting Organized Tip #1: Get Help!

Getting organized may mean getting help.  Actually, investing in an afternoon’s worth of someone’s labor almost always pays huge returns.  Those with skills and knowledge of how to make decisions about the best use of space will discuss your challenges.

Simple and organized are not opposites!  Getting organized may be difficult, but it can also be simple.  One simple step is to start looking into who may know a local service to come in and organize.  Local home care companies provide personal assistant services, and a traditional maid may be helpful if a routine is established for them.  Even moving furniture, going through boxes to decide what to keep and help with heavy lifting can be arranged through companies such as Senior Life Logistics.

Hoarding is a national epidemic!  You can see it on Google Earth by looking for blue tarps over piles of possessions in back yards.  That usually indicates a filled-up house and garage…” says Kevin Brown, owner of Senior Life Logistics in Plano and member of Senectus.

You don’t have to be a hoarder.  We all need help keeping up.  Naturally, especially as we get older, staying organized and keeping up with household tasks becomes a challenge.  Once or twice per year, a good cleaning clears the mind!

Getting Organized Tip #2: Use a Plan and Checklist!

A plan includes steps to take and who to get help from.  Especially if getting started seems overwhelming. The first step is most important, so don’t make it hard yet make it meaningful. Maybe, for example, calling someone for help is the first step.  Then, each sequential success leads to enthusiasm to conquer the next step. Momentum starts with stepping.

Some steps may be: Pack all jewelry and valuables in a fire-proof box. Donate all clothes not in use. Call city about dumpster and arrange drop-off, call goodwill and local charities who pick up donations, rental truck to take furniture to consignment store, get moving boxes, markers and tape. Locate all insurance policies and most-recent bills, notices and important mail.

Getting Organized Tip #3: One Room at a Time

Where do you spend the most time?  What are you not doing or using that would bring you joy or ease if you could? What is one thing you could do that would make other steps either unnecessary or easier?  Answering these few questions helps uncover the very next step to take in getting organized.

Start Today!  To get help locally, contact Senior Life Logistics, owner Kevin Brown.  They help with packing, storage, planning a move, and helping to make your home relaxing again. He’s happy to help you create a plan and take the next step!

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