For Seniors Planning Retirement, Lifestyle Matters Most! 

Dallas Senior Lifestyle

Retirement lifestyle planning can at once be exhilarating, frightening, and full of opportunity.  So many choices. More time than ever!

As social equilibrium and how to spend time changes in retirement, seniors find the most gratification prioritizing lifestyle.  With many decisions facing seniors and their families, especially if assistance is needed, increasing quality of lifestyle always brings the most reward.  As we live longer and have more options in the senior housing and services, true north is what creates a predictable sense of well being.

Naturally, each individual finds satisfaction in different ways.  How much social versus solitude time, for example, varies greatly by personality and even from day to day depending on mood and wellness.  There are a few considerations for planning a rewarding senior lifestyle.  Aside from the number of choices, it’s the questions that guide the decisions, such as who will you be spending time with? What excites creativity?

4 helpful reminders: How to make the most of your retirement lifestyle:

Celebrate Food

Retirement Lifestyle - Pizza

Food is not only vital, when we take the time to enjoy meals, they become predictable pleasures in life.  After a rough morning, we can still enjoy lunch. Family gatherings are enhanced and focused around breaking bread together.  Explore the restaurants, try something new on the menu and plan an outdoor cook-out with family. Visiting with folks is fun, yet over a delicious meal, it’s fabulous! Why not put meals and plans for eating out on the calendar?

Travel Everywhere

Senior Lifestyle Travel

With so many places to go, AIRBNB, and VRBO options everywhere, traveling within a budget is more possible than ever and travel adds excitement to the retirement lifestyle.  Adventure is priceless, and investment in experiences creates lasting memories.  Remember, having a trip on the calendar is something to look forward to and plan.  So, travel often, near and far, even for day trips or a few hours. Travel everywhere!

Get Involved Socially

Retirement Lifestyle - Friends

Retirement communities offer a variety of events and activities.  Avoid being a homebody, and decide to stay active. The sooner you start taking advantage of the available activities, the sooner you will warm up to your surrounding, especially in a retirement facility. Getting involved is the best way to meet other residents with similar interests, and making new friends is the key to feeling at home in a new place.

Some seniors have a social calendar fun enough to give a typical college kid a severe case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)!  However, getting involved means acting with intention.  On purpose, plan out who you will ask to join you and what you will initiate.  Don’t wait to be invited.  Be the initiator of fun and social activities, and you will be the hero for friends hoping to find something to do.  Reruns will always be there later!

Get Creative

Retirement Lifestyle - Creativity

Obviously, creativity requires at least a little courage.  Therefore, not taking it too seriously is helpful.  Maybe the word “craft” is more approachable than the big ‘A’ word, the esteemed “Art,” of which there is a district and a whole world and culture.  Doing for the sake of the enjoyment of doing is what matters. Creative work, especially to create something of beauty, is good work.  Remember, appreciating beauty is up to the beholder.